ICEPP Quantum セミナー
米国・フェルミラボ量子研究所 量子科学部門長
Panagiotis Spentzouris 博士が11月18日(木)にオンライントーク
このたび、フェルミラボ量子研究所量子科学部門長 Panagiotis Spentzouris博士によるセミナーをオンラインで開催し、量子コンピューティングと量子技術全体がどのように高エネルギー物理学の科学的な難問の解決に役立ち、また、高エネルギー物理学が量子情報科学にどのような新しい考察をもたらすのかについての最新結果とアイデアを提示し、議論を行ないます。
2021年11月18日(木) 10:00~12:00(予定)
Dr. Panagiotis Spentzouris(Head of Quantum Science, Fermilab Quantum Institute)
The Fermilab Quantum Science and Technology Program
Quantum Science and Technology (QS&T) exploits quantum properties of physical systems for acquiring, communicating, and processing information beyond classical capabilities. Successful applications of QS&T are expected to be beneficial, potentially transformational, for sensing, computing, and distributed secure communication applications. In high energy physics (HEP) such applications could enable solutions of numerical problems as well as theoretical and experimental studies of fundamental properties of nature that are not possible with classical approaches. Fermilab leverages existing laboratory expertise and infrastructure and partners with leading QIS&T researchers to pursue high-impact QIS&T R&D in support of HEP science objectives. In my talk I will discuss the Fermilab QIS&T program and its evolution, and highlight the main objectives of our activities; these include investigations for solving theoretical and experimental HEP problems ranging from physical systems simulations, to developing ultra-sensitive detectors and advancing quantum communications.
Panagiotis Spentzouris is the Head of Quantum Science at the Fermilab Quantum Institute, which includes research on simulation of quantum field theories, development of algorithms for high-energy physics computational problems, teleportation experiments, and applying quantum sensor technologies in high energy physics experiments. Spentzouris is a senior scientist at the laboratory and a former head of the Scientific Computing Division. In addition to Quantum Information Science, his research also includes neutrino physics and computational accelerator physics. Spentzouris received his Ph.D. in 1994 from Northwestern University, joined Fermilab as an associate scientist in 1998, and is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
* 本セミナーは終了しました。多数ご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。
Dr. Panagiotis Spentzouris / ICEPP Quantum セミナー
TEL:03-3815-8384 / FAX:03-3814-8806